Larne Area
Community Directory

This directory has been created by cluster members to provide information on local community groups and support services across the greater Larne area.

Search for local groups and support services:

Further information on the activities and support offered through our Cluster members can be found under the categories below. Additional support outside of our Cluster groups, can be found under the “Other Support Services” category below.

Our Story

Why we formed

Larne Area Community Cluster was formed as a community development initiative in April 2022, with 21 community groups working in partnership with Mid and East Antrim Borough Council to build capacity across Larne Lough and Larne Coast Road DEAs. The cluster has now grown to over 60 members.

Larne Area Community Cluster at a glance

Our Numbers

Member Groups
0 +
Members availing of free training
0 +
Projects and Events Delivered
0 +
Years Established
0 +

Find out more

If you would like to know more about the cluster or need further signposting support, please get in touch using the ‘Contact Us’ form.