Additional Information

Additional Support Services

As our community directory only contains information about organisations within the Larne Area Community Cluster, we have also compiled a list below of additional support services and organisations which may be helpful to individuals.

Emergency services
999 or 112

Police, Ambulance Service, Fire and Rescue
Service, Coastguard.

• GP out of hours service, Dalriada urgent care
028 2566 3500

• Lifeline – 0808 808 8000

› Deaf and hard of hearing – Textphone users
can call Lifeline on 18001 0808 808 8000
› 24 hour support for those in distress or despair.

• Samaritans helpline Freephone 116 123
Listening ear to those in distress. Available 24/7,
365 days a year.

The Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk
any time you like, in your own way, about
whatever’s getting to you.
(response time 24 hours)

• Social services out of hours arrangements
028 9504 9999

• Action on Hearing Loss
0808 808 0123/Textphone 0808 808 9000
Support for deaf people.

• Women’s Aid
24 Hour Domestic and Sexual Violence Helpline
0808 802 1414

24/7 freephone support, advice and
signposting service for all women and men who
have been affected by domestic or sexual


Here2Help app

The Here2Help app can be
downloaded for free from the
Apple app store or Play store on
your smartphone or device. This
app gives access to emergency
numbers in times of crisis and also to a community
directory to access numbers without the need for
sifting through lots of information.


The #Here2Help app is now available and FREE to
download from google and apple app stores.


Shout 85258 is a free, confidential,
24/7 text messaging support
service for anyone who is
struggling to cope.

As a digital service, Shout 85258
has become increasingly critical since Covid-19,
being one of the few mental health support services
able to operate as normal at this time.
Our trained volunteers are there for you 24/7 to
listen and support you to get to a calmer and safe
place. Shout is a free, confidential, anonymous
service for anyone in the UK. It won’t appear on
your phone bill.

To start a conversation, text the word ‘SHOUT’ to

If your life is at imminent risk, call the emergency
services on 99

Northern Region
Recovery College

The Northern Region Recovery
College provides free educational
workshops to anyone who has
an interest in their own Health and Well-Being.
This may include Trust staff, individuals who use
trust services, carers or anyone within the general

How to register and where to get information on

To find out more about our service, contact
our office directly and request a copy of our

We produce a prospectus three times a year:
Autumn/Winter (September – December), Spring
(January – Easter), Summer (Easter – June).
Our current prospectus and registration form for
workshops can be accessed at:

Complete the registration form and send it to us by
email or post.

Registrations open six weeks prior to a new term
commencing. Upon registering you will receive a
confirmation letter detailing your workshops. Text
reminders will also be sent one week before, and
the day before the course is due to start.
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, search ‘The
Northern Region Recovery College’

GPs and Pharmacies

McCoubrey & Woodside
19 Lower Cross St,
BT40 1JW
Phone: 028 2826 0675

Opening hours: Mon – Sat 9am–5:30pm
Sun Closed

86 – 88 Main St,
BT40 1RE
Phone: 028 2826 0768
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 9am–6pm
Sat 9am–5.30pm
Sun Closed

Boots Pharmacy
38 Main St,
BT40 1SS
Phone: 028 2827 4701
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 9am–6pm
Sat 9am–5.30pm
Sun Closed

Larne Health Centre
Gloucester Avenue,
BT40 1PB
Phone: 028 2826 0696
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 9am–6pm
Sat Closed
Sun 1–2pm

Linn Road Pharmacy
14A Linn Road,
BT40 2BT
Phone: 028 2827 9919
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 9.30am–6pm
Sat 9.30am–5pm
Sun Close

Victoria Surgery
Moyle Medical Centre,
Old Glenarm Rd,
BT40 1XH

Phone: 028 2826 1620

Inver Surgery
Moyle Medical Centre,
Old Glenarm Rd,

BT40 1XH

Phone: 028 2826 1610

Corran Surgery
Moyle Medical Centre,
Old Glenarm Rd,

BT40 1XH

Phone: 028 2826 1600

Larne Health Centre
Larne Health Centre
Gloucester Avenue

BT40 1PB

Phone: 028 2826 1910

Dalriada Out of Hours
Phone: 028 2566 3500

Churches and Faith Based Support
Larne Methodist
Glenarm Rd,
BT40 1DZ
Phone: 028 2827 2586
077 5643 7267

Larne Elim

Gardenmore Presbyterian
Victoria Rd,
BT40 1RN


First Larne Presbyterian
2 Inver Road,
BT40 3BW
Phone: 028 2826 9968

Salvation Army


Larne Church of God
3-5 Princes Gardens
BT40 1RQ
Phone: 028 9034 3603

cypsp – cHILDRENS and young peoples strategic partnership – 
CYPSP Resources – Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) (


Emergency services:

999 or 112

Housing executive:

03448 920 901

Northern Ireland Electricity Networks:

03457 643643

NI Gas Emergency Service:

0800 002 001

Northern Ireland Water Waterline:

03457 440088

Flooding Incident Line:

0300 2000 100

Keep safe!

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